Recruit, Retain, Reactivate (R3)
The outdoors industry, along with conservation and heritage groups, have long been concerned about declining participation in the outdoors, shooting sports, fishing, and hunting communities. The largest active group of people that embraces an outdoors lifestyle has an average age of 56, and these Baby Boomers are not getting any younger. As that group continues to age, within just a few years the decline in outdoor activity participation will be at historic levels.
In terms of R3, the League is already the single most successful program for recruiting the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts. Since the program’s inception, more than 80,000 students have been introduced to shooting sports through the League’s exciting school-based programs, making it the leader in this area. The League will introduce as many as 10,000 new students to clay target shooting sports and outdoor activities this year alone.
Retention is also an area in which the League plays an important part. The League is open to grades 6–12 and retains more than 95 percent of non-senior student athletes and 99.9 percent of teams annually. League athletes are mentored by more than 8,000 dedicated volunteer coaches and team staff. These dedicated outdoorsmen and women are thrilled to have the chance to continue their involvement in the outdoor lifestyle by assisting and encouraging the next generation.
With the addition of our college program, the League is now able to reactivate athletes to continue their participation in clay target shooting sports while pursuing their post-secondary education. In addition, many of these student athletes’ parents have found a revived interest in the outdoors, as they now can share a part of their own heritage with their children. Through League programs, by the time a student completes their education, he or she will have participated in outdoor activities for nearly half of their life.

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Including strategies to increase outdoor shooting sports participation!